
Things to consider when choosing a hosting

Things to consider when choosing a hosting. In most people's opinion, this is a great one. When my site, for some unknown reason, goes down, can I call and get real, people live on the phone? And, beyond that, they can figure out what's wrong and fix it, or at least tell me what I need to do to get my site back online? Before going with the host look to their reputation for customer support. See what kind of different ways you can contact them when you need support - email, toll-free phone, chat, and so on. Are they staff 24/7? Do they outsource support? You will find that, as in price and technical specifications, all hosts are not the same. This leads to the following question - What makes this hosting company special? What additional incentives do they provide to make hosting your site with them with just a touch more interesting?

Whether it's multiple data centers, energy-saving practices, or additional features like regular data backups or free domain privacy, corporate hosting often offers more than just a server. If you see one that offers something you need or find important, which can be a good indicator that you should look into using that company. You may have to do a little reading (or question - ask) to get to the bottom of this one. What kind of machines are using your hosting company? Are they top-of-the-line, out-of-the-box new machines, or are they assembled from what might be spare parts and chicken wire? If the hosting company does not say what type of server they are using, you will want to ask, because hardware can affect the performance of both their servers and your site. This is one area where you may not have considered asking your host for help. If you have a spam problem, then probably because your hosting company does not provide sufficient solutions to stop it. Look inside or ask about spam solutions that your provider and general email practices. No matter what they say, email is not dead enough.